Oct 31, 2012

Oct 29, 2012


I just wanna tell you guys that we got snow today, 10cm(4inches).
So soon you will see some snow pictures :D

Here you get a bad quality picture from my phone (:
Taken this at around 11am

5th october


The Fall didn't last so long this year and when it was at most beautiful, the weather wasn't on my side.

Oct 28, 2012

Late update!

I'm soooo soooo sorry that I haven't been updated for a month..
I haven't got the time for it. I have been so tired(overslept) and had other stuff in my mind.
Also the weather hasn't been the best either, made me tired and not so much photography )):

Here you have pictures from around 5th october (:
I have new pictures from today but wait a few days and they will appear!